


Sev years ago we met in Poland, in Pruszkow for last EuroworkS conference. After that meeting Covid19 epedemic made direct meetings impossible. 

Today we ahve the opportunity to meet personally for on-site conference. We will have the chance to exchange news and opinions. We think Pruszkow is a good choice as it is only 15 km from Warshaw capital airport CHOPIN and on the east-west-highway connecting baltic countries and western EC. The conference will offer oral presentations and excursion. If there is a need to show exhibition or posters please contact us directly.

  1. The actual call is published – click link below

  2. Conference  appointment 26thto 28th August 2024

  3. For registration on Workshop please send E-mail to: 

  4. Conference venue is Hotel DeSilva in Pruszkow. Details in Call
  5. We invite all friends to register and apply for presentations. Themes are open to all fields of Seabuckthorn research.

Looking to meet you in Poland!!!

Upcoming event

Eurworks 2024

Eurworks 2024 will be held in Pruszkow, Poland. Calls and program for 2024 meeting  can be found Call Euroworks 2024

past „OnAir“ conferences … visit the archive

Workshop on Seabuckthorn: EuroWorkS-OnAir 2022 - Preview

“Seabuckthorn field technologies: water management, fertilization, pests and diseases control”

Date: 23.08.2022
Time: 7:00CEST (Greenwich Mean Time+1)
Program software: Cisco Webex
Moderators: Andrejs Bruvelis, Axel Wähling,  Thomas Moersel
Number of presentation: 6-7
Estimated duration: 4 hours

“New seabuckthorn varieties for different soil and climate conditions: characteristics of growth, yield and quality”

Date: 22.11.2022
Time: 7:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Program software: Cisco Webex
Moderator:  Thomas Moersel
Number of presentation: 6-7
Estimated duration: 4 hours

Speakers are invited to make proposals for presentations. Please feel free to contact us

Here is the timetable of the conferences:

  • 24.05.2022 cancelled
  • 23.08.2022
  • 22.11.2022


Deadline for registration and submission: 14 days prior the Workshop
The official language of the Workshop: English

If you like to register for the workshop or / and apply for presentation - press register